



Our aim for Computing at Fairlawn is to enable all children to be responsible digital citizens who are confident in computer science, digital literacy and information technology.


At Fairlawn Primary School, our computing curriculum aims to give our children the life-skills that will enable them to embrace and utilise new technology in a socially responsible and safe way.  We recognise that huge advancements in technology have been made in recent years, and children are surrounded by and often immersed in a technological world.   Our aim is for children to not only be digitally literate and competent users of technology, but to also be creative, imaginative, resilient learners, with effective problem-solving and critical thinking skills. 


We use the Kapow computing scheme, which is a well-structured and carefully sequenced program designed to break down learning into manageable steps that gradually increase in complexity. This curriculum supports students in achieving the end-of-Key Stage goals set by the National Curriculum. Through a diverse array of units, students gain expertise in computer science topics, including; creating algorithms, applying logical reasoning to clarify their functions, and debugging algorithms that do not meet the intended purpose. Additionally, they explore information technology skills, such as; effective use of search tools, navigating online resources, and gathering, assessing, and presenting data. In our digital literacy component, we prioritize equipping students with the knowledge they need to stay safe online. In the EYFS, computing and technology is part of the ‘Understanding of the World’ area of learning within the Foundation Stage profile.

Independence and safety are always at the heart of our curriculum and each academic year begins with a focus on Online Safety.

Our curriculum ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. 

One timetabled Computing lesson is taught each week in Years 1 to 6, providing children the opportunity to use, apply and, where possible, develop their problem-solving skills through computing.

Technology is also used to support learning across the curriculum. Children have access to a wide range of quality hardware (computers, Chromebooks, iPads, programmable equipment) and software, allowing them to develop a broad knowledge of digital systems and their applications.

Each year, 20 children from Years 5 and 6 are selected as digital leaders. In this role, they receive training to support computing across the school. In addition to this, they will take part in a number of activities:

  • co-leading assemblies
  • taking photos at school events
  • supporting computing lessons
  • troubleshooting


The implementation of the computing curriculum ensures that children are able to develop the skills to equip them to become independent, competent and safe users of computing technologies, who continually gain confidence and enjoyment from their activities. Children will be confident using a range of hardware and software, producing high-quality, purposeful products which they can discuss and reflect on. Children will see the digital world as part of their world, extending beyond school, and understand that they have choices to make. They will be respectful digital citizens going on to lead happy and healthy digital lives.

Head Teacher : Ms Hania Ryans

(Contact via School Office)

Chair of Governors : Simon Edwards

Fairlawn Primary School
Honor Oak Road
London SE23 3SB